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المساهمات : 63
تاريخ التسجيل : 07/11/2017

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السبت نوفمبر 11, 2017 10:50 pm
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[*]Drive traffic for International Marketing I Amount Of The Economies Of The Accent Of The Accentants. Agriculture and manufacturing between the production of tangible and intangible. Adam Smith described the concrete non-tangible production, such as the efforts of doctors and lawyers, that they lost any unproductive or productive value. But when Alfred Marshall came from the last quarter of the nineteenth century by saying that a person offering or serving a person ’ m a Best Innovation. This theory appeared to Marshal if the agent who distributed the products did not distribute them because there was no value for this product from the places they provided to their places of consumption Pre-1980 crawl stage: At this stage, the researchers examined this period and studied some aspects of the marketing theory and found that this theory is not appropriate to address the problems facing the service sector. The researchers found nothing but criticism of the marketing science as commodity-oriented. Marketing on the Services It is criticized that the service establishment does not need a separate marketing theory for services and that existing marketing theories are able to address the problems. Marketing in the service and productive sector. They added that the services can not be defined precisely, which deserves special treatment, and that the services can not be separated on the commodity and become an integral part thereof website visitors 82936


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